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Zhengbo intelligent manufacturing

Zhengbo intelligent manufacturing 

  Intelligent manufacturing products cover military shoes, labor protection shoes, outdoor shoes, sports shoes, work shoes and so on,Through the introduction of advanced intelligent production equipment (such as: Germany Desma S-class automatic disc continuous injection machine) ,Standardization and standardization drive intelligence,High added value of products driven by intelligence,It will be deeply integrated with industrialization,The intelligent industrial park starts from the needs of future technology and innovation,We are committed to becoming a new model and new benchmark for shoe enterprises。

Xingyuan Group

       Zhengbo Phase II intelligent Manufacturing Industrial Park covers a total area of 270 mu, with a total investment of 2 billion yuan. The smart "green" plant is fully roofed with photovoltaic to achieve green and low-carbon production。Enterprises have introduced intelligent manufacturing equipment in order to achieve greater results in intelligent product research and development and production。

       The upgrade of the company's intelligent manufacturing will realize the new upgrade of OEM and ODM, from intelligent foundries to intelligent manufacturing, from intelligent manufacturing to intelligent footwear industry service platform will also be comprehensively upgraded。

 Zhengbo Industry
 Zhengbo Industry
 Zhengbo Industry
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Address: Zhengbo II Intelligent Industrial Park, No. 3, Rulin Road, Wuyuan County, Shangrao City



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